Everything you need to know about today’s most pressing policy issues.

Choose a guide and enter your information below to download.

  • Public opinion shifts after Roe v. Wade
  • The gender gap among political parties, 
  • A critique of liberalism today, and 
  • The obstacles facing low-income
    black and Hispanic children.
  • Antitrust regulations, 
  • Approaches to social media content
  • Cryptocurrency regulations needed to protect the consumer, 
  • How to govern emerging technologies, and 
  • Internet law and Section 230’s immunity provision.

List of Topics per Guide

Next Open House: 

Saturday, May 21ST  12:00 PM - 5:00PM

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202.862.5800 |

  • Proposed reforms for prescription
    drug pricing, 
  • How to refine the Chronic Condition Special Needs Plan program, 
  • The effects of market competition and how to move forward, 
  • The progress of efforts to improve price transparency, and
  • Technology’s role in drug
  • The Supreme Court’s legitimacy after Dobbs v. Jackson,
  • Reviving the nondelegation principle in the US Constitution, 
  • Key Supreme Court cases of 2022–23, 
  • Ways to improve the culture of Congress, and 
  • A discussion of originalism, the Supreme Court’s religious liberty docket, and free speech law.
  • The effects of federal assistance on food insecurity, 
  • Policy proposals to reform America’s social safety net,
  • Lessons from unemployment
    benefits abuse issues during
    the pandemic, 
  • Medicaid long-term care benefits and the government budget,
  • Rising crime rates, and
  • Assessing childcare and income support program usage during the pandemic to inform future policies. 

The Public and Cultural Shifts 

FTC and Technology Regulations

Health Care Costs

The Role of the Courts

COVID-19’s Effect 
on Poverty and Unemployment

  • The effects of federal debt on
    long-term interest rates, 
  • An in-depth analysis on causes
    of inflation across the world, 
  • The outlook for the US economy with inflation and a potential recession, 
  • The central banks’ role in the
    global economy, 
  • The current state of the housing
    market and the effects of
    inflation, and 
  • US debt ceiling considerations.
  • Potential effects of student loan forgiveness and college costs, 
  • Legal implications of student loan forgiveness, 
  • Consequences of proposed student loan repayment changes, 
  • Ideas for higher education reform that serves students and taxpayers, and 
  • An exploration of the future of higher education.
  • How Russia’s invasion of Ukraine might influence China’s strategy toward Taiwan; 
  • Thoughts on a victory for
  • Key “gray-zone” aggression
    developments in the past eight years; 
  • Future considerations for
    navigating conflicts with China, Iran, and Ukraine; and 
  • Four steps we can take now to prepare for future conflicts.


Student Loan 

Foreign Conflicts: China, Iran, and Ukraine